Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kindergarten Targeted Services After-School Program

Targeted Services is a state-funded program that serves students in grades K-5 in extended day and summer programs.  Albert Lea’s program is designed to build skills in reading, math and writing, as well as help students develop better organizational and social skills.  The learning environment is active and hands-on with a low student to teacher ratio. 
To qualify students must be performing below grade level in reading, math, or writing. Students who would benefit from social emotional education may also be eligible for the program, however not all students qualify.  If you are not sure if your child qualifies please contact me (Mrs. Leach).
Attendance in Targeted Services Programs has been shown to help students be more successful in school.  There is no cost to attend classes, but we request consistent attendance for the best benefit of the student.  Staffing is determined by the number of qualified students registered and Albert Lea Schools are reimbursed by the student attendance. Bussing is available for students who do not live within walking distance from the school. Bus schedule information will be sent home prior to the start of the program.
Targeted Services program goals:  Targeted Services programs provide academic services to complement current school programming.  These services strive to:
·         Support methods and instructional strategies that are effective in strengthening the core curriculum
·         Increase critical reading skills, strategies and comprehension
·         Encourage reading for enjoyment
·         Build basic skill areas: reading, math, and other academic areas
·         Promoting self concept and increasing motivation
Please let me know if you are interested in your child being in this wonderful program!