
Here are some of the things we will be working on in math.  These are based on the Albert Lea Essential Learning Outcomes for Math:

Strand: Number and Operations
Standard 1: Understand the relationship between quantities and whole numbers up to 31.
K.1.1.2 Read, write and represent whole numbers from 0 to 31.
K.1.1.3 Count forward to 115 and  backward from 20 .
K.1.1.4 Find a number that is one more/one less.
K.1.1.5   Compare and order numbers up to 31.
Standard 2: Use objects and pictures to represent situations involving combining and separating.
                K.1.2.1 use objects and draw pictures to find the sums and difference of numbers between 0 - 10.

Strand: Algebra
Standard 1: Recognize, create, complete and extend patterns.
          K.2.1.1 Identify, create, complete, and extend simple patterns.
Strand: Geometry & Measurement
Standard 1: Recognize and sort basic two- and three- dimensional shapes; use them to model real-world objects.
          K.3.1.1 Recognize basic two & three dimensional shapes.
                K.3.1.2 Sort objects using characteristics such as shape, size, color and thickness.

Grade 1 Standard: Use basic concepts of measurement in real-world and mathematical situations involving length, time and money. Tell time to the hour. Identify name and value of pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.