Monday, March 5, 2012

Update on Contest!!!

Everyone is doing a FABULOUS job of collecting milk caps, soup labels & box tops!

So far we have raised $789.60 for our school!!!!  Also we have collected 4317 Campbell's Labels for Education.  Which is enough to buy recess equipment for all 6 grades!!  Way to go!!!!

The Updated Results for the Classroom Collection Contest are~

1st Place~ Neumann~ $76.90 = 1940 total items
2nd Place~ Rowland~ $99.35 = 1889 total items
3rd Place~ Kieffer~  $84.70 = 1532 total items
4th Place~ Boyenga~ $75.05 = 1522 total items
5th Place~ Leach~ $80.20 = 1393 total items
6th Place~ Hendrickson~ $79.65 = 1384 total items
7th Place~ Burnette~ $40.00 = 1020 total items
8th Place~ Rome~ $47.70 = 993 total items
9th Place~ Carlson~ $61.45 = 941 total items
10th Place~ Boyd~ $20.35 = 650 total items
11th Place~ Sorenson~ $33.70 = 516
12th Place~ Swee~ $33.25 = 499 total items
13th Place~Jerdee~ $20.30 = 399 total items
 14th Place~ Rassler~ $28.60 = 366 total items
15th Place~ Boersma~ $8.40 = 205 total items

Keep sending them to school.  The contest ends at the end of March!!!