Friday, March 16, 2012

Letter Sent Home...

Dear Kindergarten Parents,

I hope that everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather. I will be going on maternity leave on March 22nd, at which point a substitute will take over for me. I plan to return for the last day of school (May 30th), barring any complications.

In my absence Miss Miller will be working with your children. She has substitute taught for me on a few occasions this school year.  Prior to my absence, Miss Miller will be in the classroom getting to know the students and what their specific goals and objectives are. I am confident that she will do a wonderful job while I am away, and if she has any questions she has Mrs. Burnett and Miss Rowland at hand to help as needed.

During my absence I plan to check my email regularly, if you have any questions you can contact me via e-mail at or by cell at (507) 380-6190. You can also contact Miss Miller while I am on maternity leave at (507) 379-4971 or by e-mail at

Thank you so much for your support.