Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Writing Over Winter Break...

Below are some ideas of things that your child can write about over winter break.  After your child writes 1-2 sentences have them draw a picture.  Have them bring in their writing when we return to school and I can read all about what you did.  If you need some paper let me know and i can send some home.

·       What are you going to do on your vacation?

·       If I owned a toy store I would...

·       My favorite holiday cookies are...

·       The gingerbread man jumped out of the oven and...

·       Oh, no, it snowed and I can't...

·       How will you celebrate New Years?

·       I looked out my window and saw…

·       What I learned so far this school year is...

·       I am happy when…

·       I am learning about…

·       I love my name because…

·       Kids like me because…

·       My favorite color is_____.  List all the things that are that color.

·       When I grow up I want to be...

·       Our classroom is special because…

·       Tell me what you know about winter.

·       Tell me one thing you would like me to know about you and why.