Monday, September 30, 2013

I am a booger...treat me with respect!!

RESPECT -4- Boogers!!!


1.            Treat me with respect.

2.            Don’t pick me without using a “Booger Ghost.”

3.            Don’t flick me across the room.

4.            Blow me into a tissue.

5.            Throw the tissue away.

6.            Wash your hands with soap and water.

7.            Try to never leave me hanging…

8.            NEVER, EVER, EVER EAT ME

Letter Dd

An uppercase D pulls down, lifts, then curves foward.


A lowercase d has a circle back around, then push up to the top and pull down.


Friday, September 27, 2013


We learned about triangles today. Students cut out triangles in magazines and glued them to our poster.

Tree Names

Students cut the trees, leaves, and wrote each letter of their name inside a leaf.




Writer's Workshop Writing


Here is an example of  a student writing from today. Students wrote the date, wrote the word fall, and drew a picture of what happens in the fall.

Letter Cc

An uppercase C is circle back and open.


A lowercase c is circle back and open.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Letter Bb

An uppercase B is a pull down, push up to the top, around and around.


A lowercase b is pull down, push up to the middle and around.


Pumpkin Plates

The kindergarteners had to cut out triangles and rectangles to put on their pumpkins.





We learned about rectangles today. Students cut out rectangles in magazines and glued them to our poster.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


We learned about squares today. Students cut out squares in magazines and glued them to our poster.

Body Height Comparisons

Vocabulary We Used: shorter, smaller, same, taller, larger

Have your child look around the house and compare their body height to things in your house. See if you can come up with a list together.

Concepts of Words

We have been working on how to count the amount of words in a sentence.  We have been using our fingers to count words and dropping objects in a bucket.  Try doing this at home with your child.
Parent: My mom is a teacher.
Student: 5 words
Parent: My dad likes fishing.
Student: 4 words

Letter Aa

A is a slant left and down, lift, slant right and down, lift, cross in the middle.

a is circle back all the way around, push up, pull down.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013


We learned about circles today. Students cut out circles in magazines and glued them to our poster.

Picture Day is TOMORROW

Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Noah!


I would love to have some regular volunteers start coming to school and working with students one-on-one on letter letter names, sounds, sight words, and numbers. Please let me know if you would be interested in coming one or two days a week to do this.  Thanks!

Fundraiser Packet - Pizza Pete

PLEASE send these back to school ASAP.  Thanks!

Introducing ABC Word Work - Reader's Workshop center

Writing uppercase and lowercase letters.
Matching rhyming words.
Spelling words with letter tiles.
Digging for letters and putting them in ABC order.
Tracing and writing letters.
Tracing and writing letters.
Tracing and writing letters.
Using blocks to build letters.
Tracing and writing letters.
Matching letters to their beginning sound.
Digging for letters and putting them in ABC order.
Reading letters and putting them in ABC order on the magnetic board.



Friday, September 20, 2013

Applesauce Survey

15 friends liked the applesauce
4 friends did not like the applesauce
Mrs. Leach and Mrs. Sorenson LOVED the applesauce :)