Gabryela is working on writing her uppercase letters during Work on Writing time.
Joe writing his lowercase letters during Work on Writing time.
Abbigail tracing, writing, and rainbow writing her sight words during Work on Writing time.
Morgan and Kari writing their letters during Work on Writing time.
Abbigail playing a letter name/sound popcorn game during ABC Word Work time.
Olivia searching for letters in the sand bottle during ABC Word Work time.
Braydon putting his letters in ABC order during ABC Word Work time.
Kari writing tracing and writing her letters on a dry erase board during ABC Word Work time.
Devin fishing for letters during ABC Word Work time.
Vivian and Morgan reading during Read to Self time.
Jenny and Joe matching beginning sounds with letter and picture puzzles during ABC Word Work time.
Landon matching and putting letters in order during ABC Work Work time.