Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Care Package for Soldiers

Our class has adopted a soldier!  His name is Michael High.  He is currently serving in the US Army and is on his second deployment to Afghanistan.  Our class has been making pictures and writing letters to him the last two months.  We would like to send his squad a care package.  We have asked them what are some things that they would like (see list below).  We would appreciate it if you could donate one or more of the items listed below.   Thank you for helping us support our troops!

Items They Would Appreciate:

·        Dried Fruit
·        Sour Candy
·        Ramen Noodles
·        Slim Jims
·        Raisin Brain Cereal
·        Gum
·        Granola Bars

·        Trail Mix
·        Books (History)
·        Magazines (Time, National Geographic, etc.)
·        Wet wipes
·        Personal Hygiene products
·        Beef Jerky
·        Batteries (AA or AAA)