Monday, February 28, 2011

Reading Rockstars

We had an amazing week last week with author and artist, Gary Dulabaum.  Mr. Dulabaum worked with K-6 students to celebrate songs, poetry and the joy of reading and writing. As an educational consultant, author and performing artist, Gary has visited several thousand schools across the nation and beyond as well as being a keynote and presenting at many local, state, regional and national conferences. 

Students worked with Mr. Dulabaum to create a song for each grade level.  His songs have a message for children always focusing on the theme of a love of reading. We enjoyed a school wide assembly on Thursday, February 25, when all students and staff celebrated our three days with Mr. Dulabaum.

Our "Reading Rock-Star" in our class was Madison.  Madison ate lunch with Mr. Dulabaum and other Kindergarten through 2nd grade students and had the opportunity to talk about reading and writing.