Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Dear Kindergarten Friends ~

I am so excited to be starting back at school tomorrow.  I have missed you so much.  I cannot wait to hear about your winter break and what you did, who you saw, etc.  If you wrote in your journal that I gave you please bring it tomorrow so I can read all about what you did over break.  Tomorrow will be a busy day.  Our new para-professional will be starting tomorrow.  Her name is Mrs. Bradford.  I know that you will give her a warm welcome.  We will also be reviewing our classroom rules, talking about our New Year's Resolution, and writing about them.  Please remember to bring  your December reading log to school tomorrow and your January snack if you are not part of the snack cart program.  I look forward to seeing everyone back at school tomorrow.

Mrs. Leach