Monday, February 28, 2011

Family Fun Night

Thanks to everyone who was able to make it to Fun Night on Friday.  It was so much fun getting to see and talk with everyone outside of our normal school routine. 

Reading Rockstars

We had an amazing week last week with author and artist, Gary Dulabaum.  Mr. Dulabaum worked with K-6 students to celebrate songs, poetry and the joy of reading and writing. As an educational consultant, author and performing artist, Gary has visited several thousand schools across the nation and beyond as well as being a keynote and presenting at many local, state, regional and national conferences. 

Students worked with Mr. Dulabaum to create a song for each grade level.  His songs have a message for children always focusing on the theme of a love of reading. We enjoyed a school wide assembly on Thursday, February 25, when all students and staff celebrated our three days with Mr. Dulabaum.

Our "Reading Rock-Star" in our class was Madison.  Madison ate lunch with Mr. Dulabaum and other Kindergarten through 2nd grade students and had the opportunity to talk about reading and writing.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

March Book Orders - AMAZING BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Online Ordering Information
Web address:
Class Activation Code: DKZ7H

There are several selections in the March book orders that would be great for your child to work on reading at their own level at home and games that will reinforce gold standards in reading and in math. 

  • Bob Books: Sight Words Kindergarten Set #10 – 10 books & 15 flashcards $15
  • Reading Line Phonics Library  #56 –  10 books for $20
  • Word Families Build-a-word Card Game #76 – for $6

·        Science Sight Word Readers Under the Sea Pack #64 – 6 books for $12
·        Phonics Fun with Barbie Boxed Set #53 – 12 books and parent guide with case for $14
·        Fishing for Sight Words Game #24 – for $8
·        Phonics Fun Pack #54 – 4 books and cards for $14
·        Vocabulary Tales Pack #85 – 16 books for $20
·        Spring Animal Readers Pack – 6 books for $6


·        Planet Earth Phonics Boxed Set #59 – 10 books and cards for $12
·        Guided Reading Set #29 – 30 books $25
·        Scholstic Phonics Boosters Set #64 – 10 books and cards for $10
·        In the Game Money #42 – for $9
·        Sight Words Bingo #67 – 3 games in 1 for $8
·        Sight Words Stories: Animal Adventures #66 – 24 books for $20
·        Spot a Word Puppy Phonics Game #71 – for $8

Cub Update from the Kindergartners

The cubs have a name...The girl's name is Faith and the boy's name is Jason.  They are very cute!  They like to sleep and when they are not sleeping they crawl on Lily and Hope and drink their mom's milk.  They are very small.  They have black fur and they do not have very much fur yet.  We are going to keep watching them grow.  Check out their website at:

Friday, February 18, 2011


Don't forget we do not have school on Monday, February 21st.  Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hawthorne Fun Night!!!

Fun night is on Friday, February 25th from 5:00-8:00 pm.  There will be food, games, and fun.  We are in need of people to help run the different games.  If you are able to help, please let me know and I will pass your name and phone number along to the Fun Night coordinator.  Hope to see everyone there!

Book Orders Due

Don't forget February book orders are due by the end of the week.  I will be placing an order on Saturday.

Remember: You can send forms to school with a check made payable to Scholastic or you can order online at  Our class activiation code is: DKZ7H.  Don't forget our class earns $3 in FREE books for our classroom library when you order online.

Updated Wiki

Check out the writing tab on our class wiki.  We have been writing about the 100th day of school.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Party/Ollie Visiting

Check out our Valentine's day party pics, valentine bag opening, and our special visitor!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Making Valentine Day Bags

V-Day Celebration and 100th Day Celebration

We will be having our Valentine's day celebration on Monday, February 14th from 1:15-2:30.  Please have your child bring their valentine's in tomorrow (Friday, February 11th).  If you are able to attend the party we would love to have you. 

We will be celebrating the 100th day of school on Tuesday, February 15th.  I sent home a letter and a hundreds chart home last night.  Please complete them and return to school by Tuesday.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

February is "I LOVE TO READ MONTH"

Our theme this year is "READING ROCKS-Be a Reading Rockstar!  I sent home bookmarks on white cardstock last week.  Each completed bookmark will be entered in a drawing to choose a READING ROCKSTAR from each classroom.  The winning "ROCKSTARS" will win a special prize bag with lots of cool rockstar stuff (microphone, books, sunglasses, etc.), eat lunch with our guest author/musician, Gary Dulabaum, and be featured in the all school concert with Gary Dulabaum on Thursday, Feb 24th.  The more your child reads, the more chances he/she has to be a READING ROCKSTAR!  The goal is for each student to read at least 300 minutes AT HOME from February 1st-21st.  Please initial your child's bookmark after they have read 100 minutes and return it to school.  Thanks!

Early Out

Tomorrow - February 8th, 2011.  We will be getting out of school at 12:05.  If your child will be getting home different than normal please e-mail or call me.  Thanks!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Items Needed

We have been very busy at school this year and because of it we are running low/out of glue sticks and crayons.  If you have any of these things at home and would be willing to donate them to our classroom we would greatly appreciate it.  Thanks so much!